* “Know You (p)” is equal to right guesses on you
* “Don´t Know You (p)” is equal to wrong guesses on you
* “Know Me (p)” is equal to right guesses on me
* “Don´t Know Me (p)” is equal to wrong guesses on me

* ”Know You (p)” is equal to right guesses
on you
* ”Don´t Know You (p)” is equal to wrong
guesses on you
* ”Know Me (p)” is equal to right guesses
on me
* ”Don´t Know Me (p)” is equal to wrong
guesses on me

Aspects of participation in groups

Below you see four different basic shapes of The Open Window. The larger The Open Window the smaller are the “shadow” panes (Hidden, Façade and Unknown) in the rest of the window. A goal is to enlarge the Empathy Window and by that deminish the “shadows”.

Aspects of participation in groups

Below you see four different basic shapes of The Open Window. The larger The Open Window the smaller are the “shadow” panes (Hidden, Façade and Unknown) in the rest of the window. A goal is to enlarge the Empathy Window and by that deminish the “shadows”.